John 2:23-25 (ESV)

23 Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. 24 But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people 25 and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.

While Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover, many people believed because of the signs that he gave, such as clearing the temple of the money changers and animal vendors. He performed other signs that John didn’t record. But sadly, the faith of those who believed because of the signs was not legitimate and only short-lived. Although they “trusted” in him, it was only for a season. Their apparent trust wasn’t genuine saving faith, resulting in a changed life. So Jesus chose not to entrust himself to them. In verses 23 and 24, the same Greek verb is used twice, though it is hard to see in English. In verse 23, many believed “when they saw the signs.” The word “believed” is from the Greek verb pisteuo, which means “trust.” In verse 24, Jesus did not “entrust” himself to these people. The word “entrust” is also from the Greek verb pisteuo. So they trusted in him, but he did not entrust himself to them. Why? Again, because he knew their “belief” would only be short-lived. Maybe they trusted that Jesus was the promised Messiah, until things didn’t pan out the way they had hoped, and their trust came to an end. Jesus could not be flattered or tricked by any phony allegiance, because he knew all things.

Jesus sees things that we cannot. We can’t see into another person’s heart, but he can. At times, we struggle even to see into our own hearts, but he knows all. We should continually ask him for help to see our own motives clearly so we can live more closely in step with his desire for our lives, doing the right things for the right reasons. In addition, the all-knowing, or omniscient, nature of God should be a source of great comfort to those who follow Jesus. When we pray, we can be confident that God sees the beginning as clearly as he sees the end. We cannot begin to imagine his view of eternity. Spend a few minutes talking to God today. All things, including the details, are open and laid bare before him. Let him know about your plans, your desires, and your goals, and then ask him to work everything together for good according to what he knows will be best. And thank him too, because as a legitimate follower, Jesus has “entrusted” himself to you.